Thursday, August 20, 2009

Glimpsing the divine…

I stand in awe and ‘mazement at the width and breath of wanderings through my mind over the last few years, but through it all one thing remains pretty constant. Somebody thought of it before me.

Take for instance my recent discovery of Arthur. When I first heard about his thinking I was all exited to find someone with similar flights-of-fantasy, but this joyous tiding soon changed to a feeling of disappointment, even envy that he published before me. Two hundred and fifty years before me!

He submitted his idea to the zeitgeist he denied, did I mention that he denied the zeitgeist, at the ripe old age of 25. Up to then I thought I was lucky, even blessed to find the peace and clarity of mind I have today at 46.

You win some, you lose some I guess, but I cannot deny a delightful slither of glee when I found that only 5 students enrolled in his pompous class, with some or ‘nother pompous class name. I quickly recognized forgiveness to say that this was probably one of the main reasons he got so famous, and lived such a glorious age to 72.

You see, Arthur Schopenhauer was a pompous sour puss, more pompous than he never was. A Scrooge McDuck with nothing less than misery to sell. I kid you not he carries the distinction of being called… ag what does it matter anyway. He’s famous.

So famous that he played a great role in the lives of guy’s like Wagner, and hence still hero of all time, Albert Einstein! Yiaaahh… He was a pessimist… No wait, he was THE biggest pessimist that ever left their mark on human thought, but at the same time he influenced composers like Wagner to change musical direction and write compositions like “Flight of the Valkyries”, using techniques that he developed.

At times like these I stand in awe and amazement at the wonder that is me. A wonder ‘that sets free my mind to the farthest reaches of space and time. At times like these I like to tip my hat to us and the bond we share in love, and smile at glimpsing the divine through time.

1 comment:

  1. There is one quality that one must posses to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.
    The divine lies within one and all, it is up to us to realise this.
    If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise....
    You are a wonder and a wanderer. Blessed be you and your travels and blessed be the messages you bring back.


Blessed journey!

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